Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Some people do in the evening....

We drove out by the Atomium, which, although I don't remember it from my youth, makes me think of my childhood, and the space age, and the future. And then someone said his friend was going to bungee jump off it today!

Then I saw some dnagling cables, and shot some video, but couldn't really see them.

And then we tried again.

We saw the cables, and then, we saw some guys u at the top. Were they going to jump?

But it was too late. They were shutting up shop for the day. Although there was much shrieking and stating and restating - "I want to do that!" "I don't think I could do that!".

And then we went to Kinepolis.
16 screens and movies (some) in English. And you can buy a beer and drink it while eating your popcorn. Is that really a sign of the government treating adults like, well, adults? Or just the end times?

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