Sunday, September 14, 2008

Men's fashions...

I have been holding off on this comment, because, I couldn't believe it. We joined a gym, and as happens when you join a health club, you check everyone out. And there is a new fashion of an old fashion.
Capri pants for men - not stretch, but 3/4 length, with dark socks underneath (I suppose to call attention to one's slender ankles. Don't have a picture, but it would be worth a thousand or so words.

And the club wasn't the first place I saw a man wearing this in public. We were shopping at a Carrefour's, a box store, and there was a pear-shaped man there, wearing the same outfit, with the dark socks. It is a kind of plus-four, but without the extra material at the bottom of the leg. Very stocking...

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